How To Apply Mascara Like A Pro For Beginners? | Tips & Tricks

Having Troublesome issues with your eyelashes and mascara? Lets do it in a proper way which will give you immense pleasure and satisfaction. You will definitely know how to apply mascara like a pro. Now I’ll be sharing with you 5 quick mascara tricks so always in time that go ahead and jump right into it.
5 Best Tricks Of How To Apply Mascara For Beginners
Trick 1
Before you even begin applying your mascara make sure that you are using a product that will be able to do the job. First check out the expiration date of the product. Check how many days it has, for how long you can use your mascara.
After opening, if you have been using it for a longer time it’s time for a new one and that’s very important because you don’t want to use a product that has expired so close to your eyes. Also if your Mascara has dried out it wants to give you those fabulous flashes that you want that it’s going to be a disaster so there are two ways to bring it back to Life.
First, take a glass of hot water and put it inside for about 5 minutes or add just a few drops of contact solution inside and close it and shake it well. don’t go crazy with the eye drops because they can change the consistency of your mascara. I think that can totally ruin it. So make sure that you use just a few of them now.
I just want to mention that these tricks won’t be able to make your mascara look brand new. I mean the best thing that you can do is go get a new one. However, they will help you get some of that product that is left inside the tube and use your mascara a few more Times. With this also read about how to thread eyebrows at home
in this post.
Trick 2
This is my favourite trick I do every time I apply my mascara. Usually with most mascara the wand grabs too much product so what you need to do can do that on a plain tissue or if you don’t want to waste any of that products clean it on the tube so when you put the wand back in the tube the product will be pushed inside.
Again when you use a wand which is not loaded with the ton of the product you will be able to quote every single Lash separately without adding all that existing product which causes your lashes to stick together and look clumpy on you. It can always build up and get the result that you want but it’s very difficult to remove the market that you already applied on your eyelash.
Trick 3
Trick 3
Brush through your lashes and separate them with the clean brush fully before coating them with mascara and after you have added the muscara it’s like brushing your hair before you’re doing a hairstyle.
If you use it cleans fully after you have added the mascara it will get rid of every clamp it will make sure that everything is evenly applied everywhere. So gonna make everything prettier so why not use this trick to know more about how to apply mascara like a pro.
Trick 4
This is very important when you are building up your lashes. So you already applied your first layer of mascara right and you want to go ahead and you know at some point make your lashes even longer even fuller. You want to make sure that you apply the second layer as quickly as possible.
So go back this won’t into your tube take it out wipe it off and go ahead and add your second layer. You don’t want to apply the second layer when the first one is already dried out. Itβs going to be a disaster; you want to make sure of that. You apply the second layer as quickly as possible while the first code is still wet.
I mean it hasn’t dried out and by adding two or three coats I usually don’t go with more than three but if you do that he will be able to process it. Build up your lashes and make them look longer and fuller just make sure that you do it quickly.
Trick 5
Here in this state I will share my kind of using mascara. First I start off by Rolling or wiggling the wand at the roots of my lashes and that way it makes sure that most of the product is applied there and then I just drag it all the way up and I am repeating the same with the next coat now.
This can be very uncomfortable. If you are doing it for the first time but just practice it’s going to be worth it. If you manage to do it now, something that I want to point out is that you don’t want to visit the wand all the way through your eyelashes because that will cause them to stick together.
Now with rolling you don’t really have that issue you can do it all the way through the land this can be difficult at first I understand that but you see a difference when you will rolling the wand the eye lashes are quoted properly and rolling technique will take your life game to the next level I promise. You just try it out. Read more about how to apply lipstick perfectly in this post.
Final Words
Hope you enjoyed this article on how to apply mascara like a pro for beginners. Stay tuned with us for more interesting articles on beauty, makeup, fashion and entertainment. Till then Bye Bye ππππ